Friday, September 19, 2008

2). Consider a well-known speaker, for example, the current President of the United States (or Presidential candidate). What is this speaker's strongest characteristics as a speaker? Is it credibility, attractiveness, power, or all three? In what ways could the speaker build ethos in these areas?

Ronald Regan is, in my opinion, one of the greatest speakers of this century. Second only to Martin Luther Kink, Jr. The ability to captivate an audience through ethos by displaying great perception of power, wealth, and attractiveness were among Regan's best qualities. Not only did Regan display power but he also built great credibility. Ultimately his credibility is what made the nation love him so much. Not only did Regan practice great Rhetoric but he also exhibited and fostered a wealth of trust amongst his followers. If only we had someone today with Regan's characteristics in this trying time that our nation faces. Now, more than ever before, we have a house so divided that it is becoming impossible to collectively solve problems without strict underlying political agendas.

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