Friday, November 7, 2008

*Think about the filters you use to eliminate people from consideration as potential romantic partners. What characteristics or behaviors lead you to judge others as unattractive? Does Duck's theory make sense to you? Have you ever eliminated someone by using a sociological or pre-interaction cue only to reconsider them based on interaction and cognitive cues?

I find it interesting that we can actually classify interpersonal attraction filters by sociological or incidental, preinteraction, interaction, and cognitive cues. I think as we are filtering relationships we become so accustomed to the way in which we filter that we don't even realize that we are applying a filter. I think for many people pre interaction cues play the biggest role in how we filter. Society has placed a lot of pressure on physical beauty, dress, and body type. We can tell from a distance whether or not we have something in common with people or not based on how their appearance fits into our stereotypes or our learned culture.

1 comment:

Ulf Kellson said...

Jp...I agree with you completely when you state that society has placed a tremendous amount of pressure on people to form a set guideline for attractiveness. I do believe, however, that these set guidelines do not always need to represent themselves in the physical form (beauty or body type) but filters can also revolve around material, societal rank, and power. It might make us feel just a little better to think we were filtered out based on appearance rather than for some other devious reason. Most relationsships (whether they be romantic, friend, or business based) form because both parties involved have an interest in something the other party can offer. Often times the whole game is just figuring out what exactly it is that motivates someone to be in that particular relationship