Saturday, September 13, 2008

· Pick one concept from the assigned reading that you found useful or interesting and discuss it.

The Psychological model of communication is particularly interesting to me. When the messages sent by a source are interpreted by a receiver differently than the source intended it creates unsuccessful communication. I find that people interpret messaged differently than intended all the time. This can be seen when people agree on a particular point but yet they are still arguing. Neither person really knows that they have the same opinion because the message is either not being interpreted correctly or is not being coded correctly. By altering a senders point of view to see the perspective of the recipient we can often improve our abiity to effectively communicate.

1 comment:

Sara said...

I would definitely have to agree with you on how people can have the came view or opinion something but never actually know it because the sender is not able to accurately articulate themselves. It can be very frustrating at times because when two people are trying to argue the same point that they agree on, then they will just go around in circles because they are both trying to say the same thing but in a different way. And because the other person is not saying it exactly the way they are they automatically assume that the other person is disagreeing with them. I think that just goes to show that sometimes we just need to slow down and actually listen to what others are trying to say and break down their ideas. I think then we would see that often times…we actually agree with each other.