Wednesday, October 1, 2008

1). Is it possible to perceive others without in some way judging or categorizing them? If so, how? If not, how can we make the judgments we do make more fair?

I think that it is difficult to differentiate perception from the way we judge others. If we have a preconceived notion of someone or the message they are delivering we tend to pre judge so that the message we want to beleive becomes dominant in our minds. Often we will hear one portion of a message and from that point on we will classify the rest of the message and judge the person delivering it. For example, if someone walks onto a stage with long hair and dresses like a hippie we tend to stereotype and perceive their message in that fashion. It may turn out that the person was merely dressed in a disguise but it still tends to cloud our perception and interpretation.

1 comment:

DJ Q said...

I see what you're saying. Let's just say for example, I was at a seminar for bio-chemistry, a topic that was confusing and boring to me, and that same hippie happened to be one of the scientists. Automatically, I would forget the fact I was at this seminar for this topic and wonder what this hippie was doing here. I would definitley be interested in what he had to say. And if he was entertaining, my perception would be that scientists come in all forms. Then I would pleasently laugh at the thought.